Saturday, October 10, 2009


So, what is it going to be?  The Pacific Ocean, lapping dark beaches of British Columbia with its cool tongue? Or the remaining giant Douglas and Sitka spruce trees, fluted Western red cedars and feathery hemlocks, which somehow survived the assault of chainsaws whirring just over the hills?

An Aussie volunteer at the visitors' center of the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve on Vancouver Island tells us about a small fish hatchery on a nearby creek: a big run of Coho and Chinook salmon is about to begin, trailed closely by hungry black bears. We grab a tides' tables booklet and head toward Ukluelet, a small coastal village tucked among mossy trees, then turn into a rough gravel road and follow it down to the sea.

A few rough sheds, a cyclone fence, and a narrow boardwalk crowd the dark stream, but the other side of the estuary presents a beautiful multi-hued tapestry of thick rainforest, and further up the creek a circle of black volcanic rocks shelters two meager waterfalls, foaming and spluttering as if someone had turned the upstream taps off and left them dripping.  The mouth of the river, swollen with high tide, ripples with big fish, already stacked up to swim upstream and spawn but held back by the drought: there is not enough water for them to attempt to jump the falls.

We hunker down and wait. After the hatchery crew leaves for the night, we watch first bears appear in the gathering darkness, black animal cutouts patrolling the banks. Suddenly there are many bears: females with small cubs, a big boar, and several youngsters no longer protected by their fierce moms, yet not strong enough to rule the river.  All are hungry: we see how quickly they move and search for scraps of fish.  They pay scant attention to salmon circling a pool gouged by the current: prior to spawning, the fish are still strong and fast, and any bear who jumps in and tries to catch them in deep water would waste his precious energy.

The night comes and we can no longer walk around safely, so we scoot inside our camper and try to sleep.  But the dark outside is vibrating with sounds, and soon a strangled roar a few yards from our truck wakes us up: it is as if the whole forest growled and could not stop.  John whispers: "Do you think someone got a fishbone stuck in his throat?" and we listen for a long time, mesmerized.  Morning comes with heavy mists and more growls, so I stick my head outside and watch one of the mums dragging a big squid up the tree next to us, with her small cub following.

All day long, we watch the tapestry of woods across the stream, a diorama alive with bears.  One pokes his nose out of the green foliage, takes a deep sniff, and disappears.  Another enters the creek, a fuzzy black shape parting shimmering reflections. A small but aggressive mum feeds on a huge Chinook she catches in the shallows, and then leads her spring cub into the creek.  The baby catches another salmon by the tail and looks perplexed: what do I do now?

The mother does not assist, and the cub loses the slippery fish, lunges to grab it -- again by the tail --  and then drags it up a steep slippery chute all bears use to walk above the falls. The big fish slams against the cub's chest and short legs, the little bear loses his balance, and the salmon slides to the bottom of the chute. The cub tumbles down and grabs it again by the tail, but this time he figures it out: he climbs backwards up the steep slope, dragging his pray.

Toward evening, I see the pair again: the female climbs the boardwalk and strides toward me, while the cub waits. She is bold and not afraid, not predatory but definitely preemptive, and seems to consider the boardwalk her space and not mine.  I am alone -- John is on the beach, watching small waves in many shades of gray -- and realize I cannot climb the cyclone fence on my left, slide down huge mossy boulders to the creek on my right, or ignore the fact that a quick retreat to the falls -- and then, what? -- is not possible.  So I walk toward her, growling in a low voice: get back, get back, NO! NO! NO! and she gives me a look of disapproval and retreats.

And the rain? There is Richard, the manager of the hatchery, and Larry, a photographer who just retired from CBC, and Jean, who works with the fish as well. They assure me a real deluge of several inches is coming any time now, and then I will be in true bear heaven. The rains come one evening in wet sheets and drumming waves which last for three days, and all the Chinooks and Cohos finally swim up to the falls.  The hatchery workers come out in force, fill their dipnets with wiggling fish, and after removing their eggs and milk drop the bodies on the grass, a great smorgasboard of protein and fat. But the bears are no longer hungry: they could not wait, and in the last few days found enough fish in the shallow creek. 

They take trial runs toward thrashing salmon still entering the current but soon stop and walk away.  I watch their warmly furred bodies disappearing in the forest and see they need to rest. We need a change of pace, too.  Our camper is leaking, staining sleeping bags with wet rivulets.  It is time to start our trek south, to some warmer and drier places. Yet after days spent in the green light of the stream reflecting dark animals, boiling clouds and the shimmering salmon, something changes, and Pablo Neruda's words come:

I walked around as you do, investigating
the endless star,
and in my net, during the night, I woke up naked,
the only thing caught, a fish trapped inside the wind.

©Yva Momatiuk

Saturday, August 22, 2009


We are back in Alaska, falling silly in love with animals we meet.

First, there are red foxes, three kits as bright as new flames, tumbling across the road on Denali's Polychrome Pass at daybreak.  It turns out the things you can do with a roadside boulder are many. You can jump on it and play the king of the castle, while another two foxes try to pull you down.  You can all hide your heads behind it, so only three butts and three enormously bushy tails stick out, and stand like this for a while.  You can run around the boulder one way, and then the other way, very fast.  You can stop near it and pant, and then you can jump back and forth.  Forgetting the boulder, you can run up the trail and stand together with shoulders touching and turn your heads in the same direction, so the bunched up faces look like a big red artichoke with fox ears for petals.

Not even a quarter of a mile down the road from the fox artichoke, there are four wolves, both parents and their two big pups, sitting on top of a small hill.  As we watch, they occasionally produce a gentle communal howl, nothing serious, just a little morning song with dark noses lifted high and furry throats vibrating. After the last song they sneak away so smoothly we hardly notice their departure.

There are also freshly fledged golden eagle chicks playing high in the wind, and northern harrier hawks flying and diving in search of Denali's voles and mice and other tasty snacks, and a trumpeter swan taking off from a small tundra pond, his huge snowy wings doing the heavy lifting.

There are partridgeberries and blueberries and a long afternoon sleep in the tundra under the warm sun, with our arms entwined.

Last night we arrived at the campground in Denali after sleeping in the high country gravel pit, and learned there was a family of lynx hunting in the nearby woods.

John thought we should just go and see them. I insisted we needed at least one camera. He maintained that walking camera-free guaranteed a good sighting. After some to and fro and many associated and not always helpful remarks, I grabbed my camera from the truck and off we went. It was getting dark, the time when every river corridor in Alaska becomes a natural animal highway, so we kept our eyes peeled for grizzlies and anything else that moved.

It did not take long before John whispered: there is a lynx!  but later told me that at first he thought it was a big snowshoe hare with enormous hunches: same color, same stillness in the woods. The big cat sat on his rump in a mossy patch, straight and tall like a Great Dane, ignoring us. Then he bounded silently on his huge soft paws into the thicket, flushing out several jays which scattered loudly: it looked more like a "here I go" kind of romp than a real hunt.  I looked through the viewfinder but my camera was defunct: I forgot I already took my digital card out, and this is like pulling all books out of a library -- there was nothing to read.

Miraculously, the lynx took a beeline back to the campground.  We followed at the respectful distance, grabbed my card and another camera, and just as well since another lynx appeared.  John and his lynx went to a meadow, while I tried to keep up with my cat who preferred the thickest of thickets, and after some scrambling among the trees we photographed our moving felines until they disappeared like fuzzy ghosts into the night. After we looked at the images later that evening we felt the joy again: two graceful, big-footed, black-ear-tipped cats, melting into the black spruce forest.  I do not know how my freshly mended leg carried me over ravines, mossy brooks and lumpy forest floor in semi-darkness, but it did. And I am not sure if I ended up dreaming about lynx, but it was a dream of quiet alertness, full of bouncy and exuberant life.  

©Yva Momatiuk